One Western Romanian company pledges to not frack or otherwise tap shale gas deposits

During last weekends anti-protests in Romania, one company based in Western Romania went to the protest rally in Arad to reiterate they will not use hydraulic fracturing or any other technology to exploit shale gas.  In a specific location, near Curtici.  Panfora Oil & Gas company said in a press release on Monday they will not perform operations related to shale gas.

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The following quotes come from Panfora Oil & Gas, MOL Group company after protests Sunday at Arad: No explore and exploit shale gas not Curtici, and are attributed to Gabor Zele, Managing Director of Panfora Oil & Gas.

Specifically: “Panfora Oil & Gas reafirma ca nu va explora si nu va exploata gaze de sist in perimetrul Ex-6 Curtici si repeta invitatia de a semna angajamente juridice cu toate partile interesate” (which Chrome translated as “Panfora Oil & Gas reaffirms that will explore and exploit shale gas will not perimeter Ex-6 Curtici and repeat the invitation to sign the legal obligations of all stakeholders”)

And: “Dorim sa ii reasiguram pe toti locuitorii din zona ca vrem sa construim o relatie pe termen lung, benefica ambelor parti, impreuna cu comunitatile din judetul Arad. Dorim sa ii reasiguram pe toti locuitorii din zona ca vrem sa construim o relatie pe termen lung, benefica ambelor parti, impreuna cu comunitatile din judetul Arad. Suntem disponibili si vom semna angajamente juridice in acest sens cu toate partile interesate, pentru a incredinta pe oricine de bunele noastre intentii” (translation: “We wish to reassure all residents of the area that we want to build a long term relationship, beneficial to both parties, along with the communities of Arad. As we have said since last year, I have planned and will not perform any operations related to shale gas in perimeter EX-6 Curtici and we will not explore nor exploit shale gas in any area of the perimeter, either by Hydraulic fracturing, nor by any other technology. We are available and will sign legal obligations in this respect with all stakeholders to anyone entrust our good intentions,”)

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And: “Dupa cum sa demonstrat in multe zone din judetul Arad – Pecica, Turnu, Pereg, activitatile de explorare si productie de petrol si gaze conventionale pot co-exista cu cele agricole in cele mai bune conditii. Mai mult decat atat, operatiunile petroliere au sprijinit dezvoltarea zonelor respective. Este important de subliniat ca nu vor fi afectate nici sanatatea oamenilor si nici drepturile de proprietate ale acestora” (translation: “As demonstrated in many areas of Arad – Pecica, Turnu, Pereg, exploration and production of conventional oil and gas can co- farm there with the best conditions. Moreover, petroleum operations supported the development areas. It is important to note that they will not be affected by any human health nor their property rights”)

And: “Legislatia din Romania acorda titularului acordului de concesiune drept de servitute asupra terenurilor, iar detinatorii acestora primesc sume de bani in acest sens. Aceste prevederi asigura accesul pe terenuri pe durata masuratorilor, care dureaza cateva zile pentru fiecare proprietar, in functie de marimea terenului.” (translation: “legislation in Romania holder of the concession agreement granted easement lands and their owners receive money in this regard. These provisions ensure access to the courts during the measurements, which takes a few days for each owner, depending on the size of the land”)

About David Herron

David Herron is a writer and software engineer living in Silicon Valley. He primarily writes about electric vehicles, clean energy systems, climate change, peak oil and related issues. When not writing he indulges in software projects and is sometimes employed as a software engineer. David has written for sites like PlugInCars and TorqueNews, and worked for companies like Sun Microsystems and Yahoo.

About David Herron

David Herron is a writer and software engineer living in Silicon Valley. He primarily writes about electric vehicles, clean energy systems, climate change, peak oil and related issues. When not writing he indulges in software projects and is sometimes employed as a software engineer. David has written for sites like PlugInCars and TorqueNews, and worked for companies like Sun Microsystems and Yahoo.

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