Category Archives: Environment
A destroyed Paradise, PG&E shuts down power, Tesla catches up with Zombie Apocalypse
The fight against Trump Administration plan to revoke California clean air standards

During a fund-raising trip to California, President Trump issued a series of Tweets announcing the Trump Administration is “revoking California’s Federal Waiver on emissions”. He promised this will decrease car prices, make cars much safer, and increase JOBS for auto-workers. To do this his Administration is flouting over 50 years…
A practical reason behind Trump’s insane quest to buy Greenland?
Near destruction of the Notre Dame contains lesson in thinking ahead
Imperial Beach CA backs off from “managed retreat” from the ocean that was their plan for sea level rise response
American climate refugees living in tents and cars after Paradise destroyed by fire

It seems the news media never wants to portray Americans as refugees. The press can describe folks in poorer countries as refugees when they’re fleeing a war or something, but I’ve never heard citizens of any rich country like America described as refugees. In the area near Paradise California, thousands…
California’s extreme wildfires this week are a Climate Change story
Could some homes in Paradise CA have been saved with on-site energy storage systems?

The November 8, 2018 wildfire called the Camp Fire destroyed the town of Paradise California. But, it did not destroy the entire town. Some buildings and houses survived the firestorm, but not because of flukes of fate, instead some homeowners prepared ahead of time because they knew about the fire…
Paradise is destroyed while Pres. Trump lies about climate change and California

Subsequent to the “Camp Fire” which destroyed Paradise California, on November 8, 2018, President Trump blamed California’s forestry policies saying that “There is no reason for these massive, deadly and costly forest fires in California except that forest management is so poor,” and Trump threatened to withhold federal payments to…
Trump Administration moves to cancel clean car standards, undoing Obama’s CAFE win

In 2012 the Obama Administration achieved a major win, with the full endorsement of the automobile industry, to require tighter fuel efficiency standards. The new CAFE Standards would reduce fuel consumption, reducing air pollution, and saving the US Economy zillions of dollars a year in fuel expenditures. Given the friendliness…
Scott Pruitt resigns as EPA Administrator, proving someone can be too corrupt for Trump

While we try to focus on energy and transportation issues on LongTailPipe, the current USA political climate under the President Trump administration has us nervously watching political news. One issue affecting the project of eliminating fossil fuel consumption is the EPA Administrator, Scott Pruitt. Coming from an oil state (Oklahoma),…
Trump Administration fiddles in Washington while Houston drowns under extreme weather hurricane

The Trump Administration is having its Katrina-moment this week. Katrina being the hurricane that struck New Orleans during the Bush32 Administration, and became the poster-child for both horrible government policy and the cost of ignoring the effects of climate change. We’ll leave the government policy issues to other people who…
Calif. Gov. Jerry Brown signs climate change law extending cap-and-trade for 10 years

Today California Governor Jerry Brown thumbed his nose in the direction of President Trump, and signed legislation extending California’s Cap-and-Trade program and defining certain non-vehicular emissions as air pollutants and toxic air contaminants. Well, he didn’t actually thumb his nose, but by taking this step California is taking a…