Category Archives: Energy Storage
Huge (1 GWh) energy storage project announced for Utah using compressed air in salt caverns
Last week a massively huge energy storage project was announced in Utah. Details are scarce, but since the announcement included both Utah Governor Gary Herbert and US Secretary of Energy Rick Perry, the companies involved were able to draw on some heavy firepower and maybe there is some government funding…
When DERs participate in wholesale electricity markets state and local authority is not trampled
Earlier this month a group of 22 US Senators co-authored a Letter saying the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission should preserve the ability of local electricity providers to maintain control over the electricity grid. At issue is whether Distributed Energy Resources, a.k.a. DER’s, can sell electricity to the wholesale electricity market.…
Explosion at APS energy storage unit injures firefighters, casts doubt on energy storage
Friday night, April 19, an explosion at a grid-scale energy storage unit near Phoenix injured four firefighters who were investigating a report of smoke rising from the facility. The APS McMicken Energy Storage facility is operated by Fluence, a company formed by Siemens after they bought out AES Corp, the…
Dept of Energy moving forward with energy storage research projects, doubling down on renewable energy
Solar power isn’t dead in the Trump Administration. Instead, the Dept of Energy announced last week that the 2020 SunShot cost reduction goals were met, and therefore the focus of the Solar Energy Technologies Office would shift to longer-term goals such as Grid Reliability and Energy Storage. “With the impressive…
DOE Secretary Perry orders review of whether renewable energy erodes energy grid stability: Coal Versus Solar
In a letter to the Department of Energy, Secretary Perry describes having attended the G7 Energy Ministerial, and his reaction to discussion of “the need for an energy transition utilizing greater efficiency and fuel diversity.” That transition is necessary because the prevailing electric energy paradigm is based in fossil…
Grid energy storage key to Clean Power Plan success, not its downfall
Tesla Motors will fly high unless it fails to reinvent the world, says dueling stock analysts
How safe are grid energy storage units? Will they catch fire as Tesla’s cars have?
Tesla’s JB Straubl warns Intersolar US 2015 the solar/storage business is about to be revolutionized
Elon Musk launches Tesla Energy – grid energy storage systems for homes and utility companies
Tonight Tesla Motors announced what we’ve expected, but it’s a bigger deal than expected. Specifically, Tesla Motors is launching what’s essentially a new business unit, Tesla Energy, and positioning itself not as an automaker but as an “energy innovation company”. Tesla Energy’s product line is, initially, grid-tied energy storage units…
Batteries can catch fire in the most unusual ways – iPhone 6 bent in half, catches fire in mans pants
In the electric car field we’re worried about public perception of electric car safety. Despite the fact there’s over 200,000 gasoline car fires per year in the U.S. alone, causing hundreds of fatalities and property damage costs, there is inordinately outsized attention paid to the very small number of electric…
Ford and Samsung hope to eliminate lead-acid batteries from gasoline cars
Honda shows off the future with a Smart Home, Photovoltaics, an energy management system, and DC-charged Fit EV
Dept. of Energy awards over $30 million in battery research grants
A $45 million package of Department of Energy grants supporting advanced vehicle technologies included $22.5 million for advanced battery research, and another $8 million for power electronics research. The grants aim to cut battery size and weight in half, allow semiconductors to operate more efficiently and at higher temperature, give greater durability, reliability, and lower…