Tag: Solar Electricity
Big Lie: Wind turbines freezes Texas during massive winter storm
SunSpec aims to help Veterans transition to clean energy jobs
SunSpec, the leading organization developing standards in the Solar industry, has launched an initiative aiming to train folks for jobs in the distributed energy resource (DER) sphere. Thanks to the decreasing cost of renewable energy systems, DER’s installation is apparently still increasing. Thanks to Internet-of-Things technology, renewable energy systems are…
Salt River Project 1GW energy storage system replaces coal plant
Microgrids could prevent power outages but some experts disagree
A few weeks ago Northern California was rocked by huge power outages which PG&E hoped would prevent wildfires ignited by tree limbs falling on power lines. At the time weather conditions included heavy wind storms, drying out an already extremely dry landscape, raising the fire danger high enough to make…
Solar and Wind power could help Romania avoid electricity blackouts
Twice this year it is reported that Romania nearly suffered a complete electrical power outage. Grid operators in Romania say the cause is that the country is that “no investments were made in the power plants”, and that therefore electrical generation capacity is not enough. The grid operators are planning…
Hydrogen refueling station in Oslo Norway explodes and burns
When DERs participate in wholesale electricity markets state and local authority is not trampled
Earlier this month a group of 22 US Senators co-authored a Letter saying the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission should preserve the ability of local electricity providers to maintain control over the electricity grid. At issue is whether Distributed Energy Resources, a.k.a. DER’s, can sell electricity to the wholesale electricity market.…
The unfeasibleness of on-board solar to reduce gasoline used to drive a car
Tesla Motors doubling Supercharger network, delivering on solar-powered-charging vision
Tesla’s second master plan is the most audacious thing I’ve ever read – Musk has topped himself
Ten years ago Elon Musk posted the first super-secret Tesla Motors master plan on the company blog. It seemed that nobody remembered he’d done so, because the company is routinely attacked over making playthings for rich people when the plan all along has been to build the Model 3 (affordable 200+ mile…
Portable solar power system design, a clean green power system for the road
Nissan combining Solar power with used Leaf packs to explore second life and clean up energy footprint
Answer anti- electric car articles with truth and pride – truth outshines all distortions
Another anti-electric-vehicle article has made it into the mainstream press, so it’s time for everyone to freak out and think the sky is falling. I’m talking about an opinion piece in USA Today, Electric car benefits? Just myths, by well-known distorter of facts Bjørn Lomborg. He has the ability to string…
While the climate fries, Obama boasts he’s the Fracker in Chief, barely mentions clean energy technology
Big Lie: Wind turbines freezes Texas during massive winter storm
SunSpec aims to help Veterans transition to clean energy jobs

SunSpec, the leading organization developing standards in the Solar industry, has launched an initiative aiming to train folks for jobs in the distributed energy resource (DER) sphere. Thanks to the decreasing cost of renewable energy systems, DER’s installation is apparently still increasing. Thanks to Internet-of-Things technology, renewable energy systems are…
Salt River Project 1GW energy storage system replaces coal plant
Microgrids could prevent power outages but some experts disagree

A few weeks ago Northern California was rocked by huge power outages which PG&E hoped would prevent wildfires ignited by tree limbs falling on power lines. At the time weather conditions included heavy wind storms, drying out an already extremely dry landscape, raising the fire danger high enough to make…
Solar and Wind power could help Romania avoid electricity blackouts

Twice this year it is reported that Romania nearly suffered a complete electrical power outage. Grid operators in Romania say the cause is that the country is that “no investments were made in the power plants”, and that therefore electrical generation capacity is not enough. The grid operators are planning…
Hydrogen refueling station in Oslo Norway explodes and burns
When DERs participate in wholesale electricity markets state and local authority is not trampled

Earlier this month a group of 22 US Senators co-authored a Letter saying the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission should preserve the ability of local electricity providers to maintain control over the electricity grid. At issue is whether Distributed Energy Resources, a.k.a. DER’s, can sell electricity to the wholesale electricity market.…
The unfeasibleness of on-board solar to reduce gasoline used to drive a car
Tesla Motors doubling Supercharger network, delivering on solar-powered-charging vision
Tesla’s second master plan is the most audacious thing I’ve ever read – Musk has topped himself

Ten years ago Elon Musk posted the first super-secret Tesla Motors master plan on the company blog. It seemed that nobody remembered he’d done so, because the company is routinely attacked over making playthings for rich people when the plan all along has been to build the Model 3 (affordable 200+ mile…
Portable solar power system design, a clean green power system for the road
Nissan combining Solar power with used Leaf packs to explore second life and clean up energy footprint
Answer anti- electric car articles with truth and pride – truth outshines all distortions

Another anti-electric-vehicle article has made it into the mainstream press, so it’s time for everyone to freak out and think the sky is falling. I’m talking about an opinion piece in USA Today, Electric car benefits? Just myths, by well-known distorter of facts Bjørn Lomborg. He has the ability to string…