Obama to veto Keystone XL approval, Boehner issues bogus press release, while the Cape Wind project flops

Now that Republicans have majorities in both houses of Congress, they’re planning to ramrod some extremist so-called-Conservative legislation that undermines all sorts of useful things, primarily in clean technology or environmental protection. A case in point is approval of the Keystone XL pipeline project that environmental groups like 350.org have…
Eating snow or snow cream isn’t entirely safe, thanks to fossil fuel & industrial air pollution
Oil resource needs led to Japan’s Pearl Harbor attack on Dec 7, 1941
US failed policies in Iraq War created today’s Islamic State – making the anti-IS “war” a phase of the global Oil War

The Islamic State is an egregiously violent movement that’s looking to overthrow governments in Syria, Iraq, Jordan and elsewhere. It’s a Sunni dominated version of Islamic governance that’s proven itself quite willing to commit genocidal acts. But is the U.S. at all responsible for its creation or did the Islamic…
California focusing on workplace and apartment/condo charging, ignoring public fast charging infrastructure
NY Times’ circumstantial evidence Romanian anti-frackers on Russian payroll

Allegations have resurfaced that Anti-Fracking activists in Europe are on Russia’s payroll, according to a NY Times news article. That article focuses on the anti-fracking protest focused on Pungesti Romania, which I’ve covered in-depth last winter. The claim is that if the anti-frackers are successful in banning fracking, they’re…
Falling oil prices could doom fracking (yay!) and electric vehicle adoption (booo!) leaving the Climate in the lurch

At the just-concluded OPEC meeting, the oil-powers-that-be decided to maintain OPEC’s production level of 30 million barrels per day, despite oil price declines over the last year. For the people who remain stuck on fossil oil as The Transportation Fuel, this is a good thing because it means gasoline prices…
Elon Musk protesteth allegations Tesla Motors tricked states in Gigafactory negotiations

Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk penned a blog post yesterday claiming that Tesla’s management didn’t trick Nevada or any other state in the Gigafactory negotations. Instead, Musk says Tesla’s policy is to create win-win solutions where the other party takes no risk, with Tesla Motors bearing all the risk. Why?…
Lightning Motorcycles delivers LS-218 electric superbike to first paying customer

Yesterday, Lightning Motorcycle CEO Richard Hatfield delivered the very first Lightning LS-218 electric superbike. Over eight years in development, the LS-218 is the fastest electric motorcycle in production and perhaps the fastest motorcycle of any kind in production. The company has followed a strategy for several years of innovation through…
Florida’s cleaner electricity from high efficiency power plant preserves fossil fuel addiction

Florida Power and Light (FPL) is taking delivery of the third of three Siemens ultra-high-efficiency natural gas turbines for FPL’s Port Everglades Next Generation Clean Energy Center. The Siemens SGT6-8000H gas turbines and Siemens SST6-5000 steam turbine at the site are the core of FPL’s modernization of the Clean Energy Center.…
Lightning Motorcycles makes first customer delivery of the LS-218 electric superbike

Last night Lightning Motorcycles fulfilled a long-held promise of selling the Lightning electric superbike to paying customers. The company has raced with production-intent-prototype-bikes in events since 2010 setting a number of records. After every one, Lightning CEO Richard Hatfield promised their bikes were now on sale – a promise that’s…
Romania’s PM admits hoped-for fracked natural gas bonanza may not exist, despite fighting protesters hard to protect Chevron

Last winter saw an intense fight in Romania over Chevron’s plan to drill exploratory hydraulic fracking wells near Pungesti. It’s now possible, according to Romania Prime Minister Victor Ponta, that it will all be for naught, that there are no natural gas riches to be had in Romania’s shale region.…
Woods Hole – benign Fukushima radiation plume reached U.S. West Coast, why isn’t EPA measuring for radiation?

Barely detectable levels of Cesium-134 have been detected in the Pacific Ocean within 100 miles of the U.S. West Coast. Despite the so-called radioactive plume having nearly reached the coast, we shouldn’t be afraid (yet) that the Pacific Ocean is being absolutely fried with nuclear radiation from Fukushima. The results…