Author: David Herron
Fremont Police disputes hooplah over Tesla-based patrol car running out of power
Solar and Wind power could help Romania avoid electricity blackouts

Twice this year it is reported that Romania nearly suffered a complete electrical power outage. Grid operators in Romania say the cause is that the country is that “no investments were made in the power plants”, and that therefore electrical generation capacity is not enough. The grid operators are planning…
Maserati, Bently, announce electrified vehicles
Minnesota defies Trump, joins states using California clean car standards

In the wake of the Trump administration aiming to destroy California’s clean car standards, we have seen other states join the fight. Various US States and environmental organizations have joined the lawsuit against the EPA. But an even stronger step is one like Minnesota took the other day, to adopt…
Hyundai launching Green Hydrogen fuel cell trucks in Switzerland

Hyundai Hydrogen Mobility (HHM) announced today a partnership with H2 Energy, Alpiq, and Linde, to promote a “green hydrogen” infrastructure in Switzerland. To support this, the companies have built a 2 MW electrolysis plant at the Gösgen hydropower plant for producing hydrogen, and Hyundai intends to supply over 1,600 fuel…
First gasoline station in the USA switches to 100% electric vehicle charging
The over-amped response to a Tesla-based Police car running out of power
Hydrogen stations in SF Bay Area still offline, 4 months after explosion

Today the California Fuel Cell Partnership newsletter announced the opening of a hydrogen refueling station in Oakland. It is described as the tenth hydrogen refueling station in the San Francisco Bay Area, and is a True Zero station operated by First Element. However a perusal of the hydrogen station status…
Trump’s team possibly committing bad crimes over the Biden/Ukraine story
Daimler to stop developing internal combustion engines

In the 1880’s Gottlieb Wilhelm Daimler, who was co-founder of the Daimler Motor Group, parent company of several important automotive brands like Mercedes-Benz and Smart, developed several engine designs. The company he founded is now one of largest automakers in the world, and its reputation rests soundly on high quality…
The fight against Trump Administration plan to revoke California clean air standards

During a fund-raising trip to California, President Trump issued a series of Tweets announcing the Trump Administration is “revoking California’s Federal Waiver on emissions”. He promised this will decrease car prices, make cars much safer, and increase JOBS for auto-workers. To do this his Administration is flouting over 50 years…