Tag: Cars
Transportation advocates looking to eliminate, or at least reduce, car use for environmental goals
There’s a movement afoot aiming to drastically reduce driving, the need for driving, and the need for parking, all in the name of environmental goodness. The theory is that reducing vehicle miles traveled will reduce the negative environmental impact (like greenhouse gas emissions) from transportation, and there will be additional…
Does stiff regenerative braking make electric cars more dangerous?
Electric cars do not have a virtual coal tender that needs uncoupling
When pedestrians and cars collide there is much pain
Transportation advocates looking to eliminate, or at least reduce, car use for environmental goals

There’s a movement afoot aiming to drastically reduce driving, the need for driving, and the need for parking, all in the name of environmental goodness. The theory is that reducing vehicle miles traveled will reduce the negative environmental impact (like greenhouse gas emissions) from transportation, and there will be additional…