Medium-voltage Intelligent Universal Transformer based DC fast charging development and demonstration – EPRI EPRI has recently demonstrated a proof-of-concept, medium voltage, Intelligent Universal Transformer (IUTTM) with fast charging capability in the latest prototype design. As this overview explains, EPRI believes that a medium voltage fast charging system could result in…
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State government has made it their priority to help California communities become “ZEV ready.” When purchasing or leasing a ZEV, drivers think about fueling, parking and garaging the vehicle in addition to the more-typical considerations. Recognizing the challenge, Governor Brown issued an Executive Order that calls for California’s major metropolitan…
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From: Plug in EV Handbook for Public Charging Station Hosts Plug in EV Handbook for Public Charging Station Hosts
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The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the challenges and opportunities for charging electric vehicles in multifamily residential buildings. The study draws on case studies from Southern California, and most of the analysis is applied to the City of Los Angeles. The author is a second…
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May 2013 Roadmap for the standardization of electric vehicle charging infrastructure, and the electric vehicle service provider business. This is an ongoing living document used by ANSI to coordinate standardization work between all the companies in the electric vehicle service provider space. These companies include component makers (Eaton, Schneider Electric,…
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According to the FBI “Environmental Extremists assert criminal actions are necessary to end perceived destruction or exploitation of our natural resources and ecosystems.” The warning goes on to list signs of extremist activity including posting information to social networks or making bombs. Retrieved from Chemical Facility Security News, DeSmogBlog Retrieved…
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Colorado Energy Office & Colorado Mesa University Water Center, retrieved from”Produced+Water+White+Paper.pdf”&blobheadervalue2=application%2Fpdf&blobkey=id&blobtable=MungoBlobs&blobwhere=1251947929119&ssbinary=true
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Retrieved from: Of importance is a section towards the end in which Carlos Ghosn discusses the two Leaf’s on the stage. One demonstrates the self-driving features which Nissan is developing. The other Ghosn describes as having range similar to gasoline powered vehicles. That implies 300+ miles. A video was shown…
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Input document for the “Clean Energy Ministerial” prepared by the IEA. Key Findings Market viability of some clean energy technologies is progressing, but the overall rate of deployment falls short of achieving the ETP 2°C Scenario (2DS). The cost gap between electricity generated from renewables and that from fossil fuels…
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