Tag: Climate Change
Pope Francis’ New Climate Change Stance Will Enrage The Right – The Young Turks
Pope Francis: The Encyclical
Brother Sun, Sister Moon: Pope Francis and the Meaning of Climate Action
IEA: Tracking Clean Energy Progress, 2015
Input document for the “Clean Energy Ministerial” prepared by the IEA. Key Findings Market viability of some clean energy technologies is progressing, but the overall rate of deployment falls short of achieving the ETP 2°C Scenario (2DS). The cost gap between electricity generated from renewables and that from fossil fuels…
Answer anti- electric car articles with truth and pride – truth outshines all distortions
Another anti-electric-vehicle article has made it into the mainstream press, so it’s time for everyone to freak out and think the sky is falling. I’m talking about an opinion piece in USA Today, Electric car benefits? Just myths, by well-known distorter of facts Bjørn Lomborg. He has the ability to string…
Elon Musk preaches to Detroit the urgency of electric car adoption to avoid climate change catastrophes
Elon Musk has gone to Detroit for the North American International Auto Show (NAIAS) this week preaching that between climate change and fracking there’s an urgent necessity to switch to electrified vehicles and establish a price on carbon. The comments came in a long (1 hour) interview with Bloomberg News…
Green Jobs revolution promised by Obama in 2008; how’s it doing? Can big business simultaneously go green, and make green?
President Obama was elected in 2008 on a platform promising, among other things, a green jobs revolution. That the way out of the economic mess of 2008-9, that threatened a global economic meltdown and catastrophic depression, was to support green technologies, green energy systems, and lead a wave of innovation…
Risky Business report hoping investors wake up, smell the climate change, take action
West Antarctica glaciers will cause 4 feet or more sea level rise
Our work choice either harms or helps our world, either dooming us or leading us out of climate catastrophe
How can anyone whose job creates lots of problems in the world live with themselves? The problems created by some jobs are obvious. For example gasoline station attendants are enablers to all the ills that come from burning gasoline. The job of an “insect/pest control” workers is spraying poison in…
World Meteorological Org: Human Induced Climate Change raising temperatures and causing extreme weather events around the world
On Monday, the UN’s World Meteorological Organization posted it’s yearly report on the climate: WMO statement on the status of the global climate in 2013. The report doesn’t mince words, it clearly says that human-induced climate change is causing higher global temperatures and more extreme weather events. The climate changes…
Extreme weather, climate change, and the Oso WA landslide
Over the weekend a big landslide struck Oso, WA, located on the Stillaguamish River about an hour north of Seattle. It’s a tragedy of large order, with several already confirmed dead, reports from emergency workers saying it’s worse than has yet been reported, whole neighborhoods wiped out, etc. I’ll pop in…
Newest IPCC report sees climate change causing food shortages, violent conflict
Climate change will, as many expect, cause pain and suffering on a large scale, with hundreds of millions of people displaced, wars, and the erasure of trillions of dollars from the world economy. That’s the conclusion of a new report by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, according to…
Scientists find four new man-made gases that harm ozone layer
A team of scientists from University of East Anglia in England have found four new man-made chemicals that harm the ozone layer, according to a paper published on Sunday in the journal Nature Geoscience. The findings identify three new CFC’s and one new HCFC (Hydrochlorofluorocarbons). The scientists analyzed samples collected…
Pope Francis’ New Climate Change Stance Will Enrage The Right – The Young Turks
Pope Francis: The Encyclical
Brother Sun, Sister Moon: Pope Francis and the Meaning of Climate Action
IEA: Tracking Clean Energy Progress, 2015
Input document for the “Clean Energy Ministerial” prepared by the IEA. Key Findings Market viability of some clean energy technologies is progressing, but the overall rate of deployment falls short of achieving the ETP 2°C Scenario (2DS). The cost gap between electricity generated from renewables and that from fossil fuels…
Answer anti- electric car articles with truth and pride – truth outshines all distortions

Another anti-electric-vehicle article has made it into the mainstream press, so it’s time for everyone to freak out and think the sky is falling. I’m talking about an opinion piece in USA Today, Electric car benefits? Just myths, by well-known distorter of facts Bjørn Lomborg. He has the ability to string…
Elon Musk preaches to Detroit the urgency of electric car adoption to avoid climate change catastrophes

Elon Musk has gone to Detroit for the North American International Auto Show (NAIAS) this week preaching that between climate change and fracking there’s an urgent necessity to switch to electrified vehicles and establish a price on carbon. The comments came in a long (1 hour) interview with Bloomberg News…
Green Jobs revolution promised by Obama in 2008; how’s it doing? Can big business simultaneously go green, and make green?

President Obama was elected in 2008 on a platform promising, among other things, a green jobs revolution. That the way out of the economic mess of 2008-9, that threatened a global economic meltdown and catastrophic depression, was to support green technologies, green energy systems, and lead a wave of innovation…
Risky Business report hoping investors wake up, smell the climate change, take action
West Antarctica glaciers will cause 4 feet or more sea level rise
Our work choice either harms or helps our world, either dooming us or leading us out of climate catastrophe

How can anyone whose job creates lots of problems in the world live with themselves? The problems created by some jobs are obvious. For example gasoline station attendants are enablers to all the ills that come from burning gasoline. The job of an “insect/pest control” workers is spraying poison in…
World Meteorological Org: Human Induced Climate Change raising temperatures and causing extreme weather events around the world

On Monday, the UN’s World Meteorological Organization posted it’s yearly report on the climate: WMO statement on the status of the global climate in 2013. The report doesn’t mince words, it clearly says that human-induced climate change is causing higher global temperatures and more extreme weather events. The climate changes…
Extreme weather, climate change, and the Oso WA landslide

Over the weekend a big landslide struck Oso, WA, located on the Stillaguamish River about an hour north of Seattle. It’s a tragedy of large order, with several already confirmed dead, reports from emergency workers saying it’s worse than has yet been reported, whole neighborhoods wiped out, etc. I’ll pop in…
Newest IPCC report sees climate change causing food shortages, violent conflict

Climate change will, as many expect, cause pain and suffering on a large scale, with hundreds of millions of people displaced, wars, and the erasure of trillions of dollars from the world economy. That’s the conclusion of a new report by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, according to…
Scientists find four new man-made gases that harm ozone layer

A team of scientists from University of East Anglia in England have found four new man-made chemicals that harm the ozone layer, according to a paper published on Sunday in the journal Nature Geoscience. The findings identify three new CFC’s and one new HCFC (Hydrochlorofluorocarbons). The scientists analyzed samples collected…